Categories News and such

Well, is starting to come back to life again. After a week of server chaos. The backend is starting to look OK, less database errors due to mySQL timeouts, mail seems to be slightly more reliable (admin mail), and such. The NewsEngine 3.0 Project is nearing completion, after 2 days of work. Most of the news sources are found, and building properly, although crontab for some odd reason is acting up (again). Go figure. As soon as I can call and get that straitened out, we should be up and running with news in most categories. Then I need to fix the VersionTracker updates being out of sync.

After that, I will repair/update/remodel/someotherverb the Channel Pages, and move weather into a channel. And fix that annoying mail bug in weather. Perhaps a few layout fixes as well, while I’m digging through the code.

Then onward… to the next project(s).

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