Audio/Video Funny

10,000 Volts For Science

10,000 Volts For Science

Matt Inman aka “The Oatmeal” zaps Matt Harding aka “Where the Hell is Matt” with 10,000 volt Tesla cannon. And yes, he’s doing the “Where the Hell is Matt Dance”.

This is what the internet is about.

Around The Web In The News

Operation: Let’s Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum

Operation: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum

Matthew Inman, aka The Oatmeal started a campaign to raise money to purchase Wardenclyffe, perhaps the most iconic thing Nicola Tesla worked on aside from the Tesla coil itself. The building, built by no other than Stanford White, of Washington Square Arch fame.

Like Inman, I’d argue Nicola Tesla is one of the greatest geniuses to ever walk this earth. Given he spent the majority of his life and his career in the US, it seems fitting this last remaining facility (the NYC labs are long gone) be made into a museum. I first mentioned the sale on this blog back in 2009.

I’m actually currently reading Tesla: Man Out of Time, so this ironically works out quite well.

In The News

Tesla’s Lab For Sale

Wardenclyffe Tower

There’s little doubt that Nikola Tesla was a genius. Among other things it was his AC that beat Thomas Edison’s DC. His Shoreham, Long Island Lab infamous for the Wardenclyffe Tower (aka Tesla Tower) is up for sale by it’s current owner Agfa. The actual tower is long gone, but building designed by the famed architect Stanford White is still standing though abandon and in need of some preservation and restoration. There are hopes it will be purchased to be turned into a museum rather than leveled and redeveloped [NY Times].