
Godspeed Hubble

Hubble Released Atlantis STS 125

This video is the actual release of Hubble as well as the shuttle backing away from the Hubble telescope. It is best watched in HQ and Full Screen. It’s slightly shaky at times and a little long, but it’s got some great shots of Hubble up close. The Big Picture Blog also has a great set of pictures from the mission.

Humans likely will never again approach Hubble. At some point in the future a robotic mission will likely attach to the newly installed Soft Capture Mechanism and safely de-orbit Hubble guiding it into the Pacific away from any humans. That’s not likely until at least 2014, hopefully longer. Hubble has already outlived it’s original life expectancy thanks to previous shuttle visits. With the latest servicing hopefully there are still some great years ahead.

[Via: Bad Astronomy]


STS-125 Preparations

The Big Picture Blog has a great series of photos for STS-125, the Space Shuttle Atlantis mission to repair the Hubble Space Telescope. It’s just a collection of NASA pictures, but the ones selected are really great.

STS-125 Space Shuttle Atlantis Engine Installed


This is why we need Hubble

Take a look at this beautiful picture of a Supernova as taken by the Hubble Telescope. Just amazing.

Stuff like this makes me realize how I need to take my old telescope out of the basement on a clear night. Just so much effort to take out… but lots of fun.